Got 10 minutes? Do this workout!


No more excuses, this takes 10 minutes and will make you feel great, burn calories, and get your heart rate way up, now GO 🙂

45 seconds Jumping Jacks

10 seconds rest

45 seconds “Jump Rope” on the spot (jumping up and down, do whatever you like with your arms, i do little circles as if holding a skip rope)

10 seconds rest

45 seconds of Burpees (feel free to add in a pushup on each or some burpees, if your not sure how to perform a burpee you can look on youtube) 

20 seconds rest

and repeat it all 2 more times! Then your done! Make sure to take a minute or two to walk around and cool down after, and stretch any tight muscles. This is also great to tie in with the rest of your workout if you do have more time.